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Sunday, 30 December 2012

End of year 2012 , A new beginning and challenge for mobile world

2012 ends on high note. So many ups and downs for market player in mobile industry. Some went down and some on rise in market. While iPhone seems loosing its plot in sales of smartphone but its remains highest benefit for developer. Android is growing at horse pace and steadily replacing iPhone monopoly in smartphone market. Lets discuss some key features in 2012 in terms of mobile market share, innovation and coming hopes

Android increasing its market share, iPhone still in competition

Android market size is increasing at horse pace. Not only its application are increasing even android phone are selling four times than iPhone. After four android device, one iPhone sells now. Two tiger remains in battles in form of android and iPhone. Blackberry goes on down. Now every one is waiting for Blackberry's new invention blackberry 10. They have launch beta version. Its make some chances for blackberry to come back in market. And windows phone experiment of Microsoft seems to be failed even though having best User interface

New invention and ambitious project

Android start in Tablet market and start capturing market. Amazon kindle fire, Micro-max, Samsung and many other starts making tablet on very low price. Apple start iPad mini. Rather being successful, iPad mini does not being so successful.
 iPad mini face huge competition from android low price tablet. Samsung ambitious project Samsung S3, Galaxy note was ruling the party in smart phone in 2012. Samsung Galaxy camera is a new innovation at ending of 2012 and smart watch also join the kitty

Development front expanded for developer

Cross platform development gave a new way to developer to bring their skills to next level. Using common tools for android, iOS, Blackberry makes user life easy. Its reduce the cost and effort. Using Phone Gap and other cross platform does not looks good compare to native application. But most application work well with them. Blackberry 10 support for android application gives a chance to increase our application exposure.


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